Joythief. The most feared weapon of the elite thieves' and assassin's guild known as the Star-Blades. The magical poison that doesn't kill its victim, but kills the most prized aspect of themselves. Star-Blades rarely use this terrible poison, and never against their own. Except Mariq Ashai ... READ the POST
High fantasy, sword and sorcery, and epic quests can be found here!
The Alchemy of Sorrow
Featuring stories by: Sonya M. Black, Angela Boord, Levi Jacobs, Intisar Khanani, Krystle Matar, Virginia McClain, Quenby Olson, Carol A. Park, Madolyn Rogers, Rachel Emma Shaw, Clayton Snyder, K.S. Villoso, and M. L. Wang. Here be dragons and sorcery, time travel and sorrow. Vicious garden ... READ the POST
Revere Me
Brecc I’ve waited an eon to find you. You, my bride, the other half to my soul. But I noticed you too late, the annual fete that was supposed to bring us together not your time to shine. My need for you threatens us all… Nonetheless, I will have you. The world is meaningless without you. Love ... READ the POST
Bag of Tricks
Aveline is a trained magician, but Princess Inessa, the Heiress of Mazuria, hired her to pose as a lady-in-waiting, to protect her from court intrigues and literally sniff out lies. When a wicked duke tries to force Inessa into marriage, Aveline uses a spell to hide the princess. But even magic has ... READ the POST
Soul of the Guardian
One moment all is normal, the next… insanity. Scores of people drop dead, their minds ripped to shreds. All that’s left is a twisted corpse with alien eyes, and what survivors remain are given no explanation. Ryanne and Kole beg relief from the Guardian, a sometimes-doubted mythical being who ... READ the POST
Soul of the Blade
A legendary sword for a legendary assassin. At least, that’s what Aeo thought when he first took the enchanted Bok’Tarong for his own. But instead of fame and glory, his life was ended and his soul consumed by the sword. Now the Bok’Tarong has a new bearer who’s determined to set things right—mainly ... READ the POST